Montpellier, 11-12 Septembre 2014
Programme de la conférence

Résumé du programme
Jeudi 11 Septembre 2014
08:30 – 09:00 Enregistrement, Maison des Etudiants Aimé Schoenig
09:00 – 9:30 Discours de bienvenue – OUVERTURE de FAERE I, par
Alain Ayong Le Kama, Président de la FAERE,
François Mirabel, Doyen de la Faculté d’Economie, Université Montpellier 1,
Jean-Michel Salles, Directeur du LAMETA
09:30 – 10:30 SESSION PLENIERE 1, Maison des Etudiants Aimé Schoenig
Hervé le Treut, climatologue, Directeur de l’Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, membre de l’Académie des Sciences et du GIEC
Chairman: Charles Figuières
10:30 – 11:00 Pause café, Maison des Etudiants Aimé Schoenig
11:00 – 12.30 SESSIONS PARALLELES A1 – A8
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A1 – Changement climatique 1
Chair: Matthieu Glachant, Salle C014
P.-A. Jayet et A. Lungarska, Economie Publique, Grignon, France
Geographical labeling of agri-food products and its incidence on the cross-sectional approach to climate change impacts assessment
M. Moreaux et Cees Withagen, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
A unified theory of carbon capture and adaptation policies for climate change

F. Cohen, M. Glachant et M. Söderberg, Mines ParisTech, Paris, France
Adaptation to climate change and US residential energy use – Does adaptation reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A2 – Energie 1
Chair: Dorothée Charlier, Salle C015
J. Madelenat, EconomiX, Paris, France
Towards using discrete choice experiment in modelling building retrofit
L.-G. Giraudet, Sébastien Houde, CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Double moral hazard and the energy efficiency gap
D. Charlier, ArtDev, Montpellier, France
Energy efficiency investments in a context of split incentives. Evidence from French households
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A3 – Régulation Environnementale 1
Chair: Philippe Mahenc, Salle C016
J. Ing, CER-ETH, Zurich, Suisse
Commitment, asymmetric information and exhaustible resources
Y. Hiriart, Lionel Thomas, CRESE, Besançon, France
The optimal regulation of a risky monopoly
M. Chistyakova, Philippe Mahenc, LAMETA, France
The scent of avoidance: the impact of endogenous fiscal avoidance on environmental taxation
11:00-12:30 SESSION PARALLELE A4 – Forêt 1
Chair: Raphaële Préget, Salle C018
P. Delacote, E.J.Z. Robinson, S. Roussel, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Deforestation, leakage and avoided deforestation policies: a spatial analysis
J. Wolfersberger, G. S. Amacher, P. Delacote, A. Dragicevic, LEF, Nancy, France
The dynamics of deforestation and reforestation in a developing economy
S. Andrade de Sà, P. Delacote, E. Kere, ETH, Zurich , Suisse
Spatial analysis of amazonian deforestation: complementarity or substitutability?
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A5 – Croissance & environnement 1
Chair: Lionel Ragot, Salle C314
N. Raffin, T. Seegmuller, GREQAM, Marseille, France
The Cost of Pollution on Longevity, Welfareand Economic Stability
C. Cantuarias-Villessuzanne, GEOLAB, Limoges, France
Durabilité de l’activité minière péruvienne : une approche hotellienne
Lucas Bretschger, C. Karydas, CER-ETH, Zurich, Suisse
Optimum growth and carbon policies with lags in the climate system
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A6 – Ressources marines & côtières
Chair: Harold Levrel, Salle C315
A.A. Cissé, L. Doyen, F. Blanchard, C. Béné, J.C. Péreau, IFREMER, Cayenne, France (Guyane)
Ecoviability for small-scale fisheries in the context of food security constraints
J.-C. Martin, R. Mongruel, H. Levrel, AMURE, Brest, France
Building an ecosystem-based activity accounting framework. An illustration for marine and coastal ecosystems
H. Levrel, C. Jacob, D. Bailly, M. Charles, O. Guyader, S. Aoubid, A. Bas, A. Cujus, M. Frésard, S. Girard, J. Hay, Y. Laurans, J. Paillet, J. Pérez, R. Mongruel, AMURE, Brest, France
The maintenance cost of marine natural capital: a case study from the initial assessment of the marine strategy framework directive in France
11:00 – 12.30 SESSION PARALLELE A7 – Biodiversité
Chair: Pierre Courtois, Salle C316
M. Desquilbet, B. Dorin, D. Couvet, GREQAM-TSE, Toulouse, France
Land sharing vs. land sparing for biodiversity: how agricultural markets make the difference
N. Quérou, A. Tomini, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Ecosystem considerations in a second-best world
R. Chakir, M. David, E. Gozlan, A. Sangare
A Choice Experiment Assessment of the Impacts of an Invasive, Biological Control Agent: the case of the Asian ladybird in France
11:00-12:30 SESSION PARALLELE A8 – Problèmes comportementaux 1
Chair: Lisette Ibanez, Salle C315
C. Richert, F. Boschetti, I. Walker, J. Price, N. Grigg, IRSTEA, Montpellier, France
‘Running” climate change metal models revelas poor convergence between worldviews, policy preferences and expected consequences
L. Ibanez, N. Moureau, S. Roussel, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
The power of emotions: reinforcing intrinsic motivation to give
12:30 – 13:30 Déjeuner, Hall
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B1 – Energie 2
Chair: Jean-Christophe Poudou, Salle C014
C. Nicolas, V. Saint-Antonin, S. Tchung-Ming, IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
(How) does sectoral detail affect the robustness of policy insights from energy system models? The refining sector’s example
Y. Perez, M. Petit, W. Kempton, Supélec, Paris, France
Public policy strategies for electric vehicles and for vehicle to grid power
F. Fizaine, V. Court, EconomiX, Nanterre, France
Energy transition towards renewables and metal depletion: an approach through the EROI concept
E. Baranes, J. Jacqmin, J.C. Poudou, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Renewable and non-renewable intermittent energy sources : friends or foes?
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B2 – Consommation
Chair: Adélaïde Faduile-Crépy, Salle C015
M. S. Hervieux, O. Darné, LEMNA, Nantes, France
Production and consumption-based approaches for the environmental Kuznets curve in Latin America using ecological footprint
D. Brécard, LEAD, Toulon, France
Consumer misperception of eco-labels, green market structure and welfare
Adélaïde Fadhuile-Crépy, A. Fadhuile, V. Nichèle, ALISS, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Taxing animal products for sustainability : environmental, nutritutional and social perspectives in France
F. Caillavet, N. Darmon, A. Fadhuile, V. Nichèle, ALISS, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Greenhouse gas emissions of households food purchasses in France : does income matter?
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B3 – Choix public
Chair: Guillaume Checkbossian, Salle C016
R. Boucekkine, F. Prieur, K. Puzon, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
On the timing of political regimes changes in Arab countries
P. Fauvet, S. Rouillon, GREThA, Bordeaux, France
Using a Tullock contest to approve/ban a new product/technology under asymmetric information
Max Meulemann, CER-ETH, , Zurich, Suisse
Which way to go to international climate negotiations? An analysis of different policies
A. Deymier, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
The politics of attention: competition between social problems
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B4 – Evaluation
Chair: Serge Garcia, Salle C018
C. Kermagoret, H. Levrel, A. Carlier, AMURE, Brest, France
Acceptation et préférences des acteurs de territoire pour la compensation socio-environnementale dans un contexte de développement économique : application au projet de parc éolien en mer de la baie de Saint-Brieuc
R. Crastes, O. Beaumais, P. A. Mahieu, P. Martinez-Camblor, R. Scarpa, ESITPA Unité Agri’Terr et Université de Rouen, Rouen, France et Lisa, Corte, France
External validity of WTP estimates : comparing preference and WTP-space model results
L. Voltaire, C. Pirrone, A. Larzillière, M. Guingot, ULCO, Dunkerque, France
Does the order of amounts on the contingent payment card format matter?
S.A.A. Traoré, J.M. Salles, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Urban park’s ecological and recreational aspects in developing country: evaluating the Bãngr-Weoogo park in Ouagadougou
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B5 – Biodiversité 2
Chair: Jean-Michel Salles, Salle C314
E. Hily, S. Garcia, A. Stenger, LEF, Nancy, France
Assessing the efficiency of payments for biodiversity conservation: a bio-economic analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest
L. Roy, EQUIPPE, Lille, France
On the relevance for public decision makers of traditional monetary valuations applied to biodiversity
A. Bartczak, M. Krawczyk, A. Stenger, WEEC, Varsovie, Pologne
Ecosystem services on forested lands: an experiment on the role of auction format and communication
J. De Beir, C. Emond, Y. L’Horty, L. Tuffery, EPEE & TEPP-CNRS, Evry-Val-d’Essonne, France
Emplois et protection de la biodiversité : quels outils de politiques publiques ?
14:00 – 16.00 SESSION PARALLELE B6 – Eau
Chair: Raphael Soubeyran, Salle C315
J. de Frutos Cachorro, K. Erdlenbruch, M. Tidball, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
A dynamic model of irrigation and land-use choice: an application of the Beauce aquifer in France
J.-C. Péreau, Remy Delille, GREThA, Bordeaux, France
The river bargaining problem
R. Soubeyran, Mabel Tidball, Agnès Tomini, Katrin Erdlenbruch, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Rainwater harvesting and groundwater conservation: when endogenous heterogeneity matters
14:00-16:00 SESSION PARALLELE B7 – Pollution 1
Chair: Yolande Hiriart, Salle C316
E. Lavaine, CES, Paris, France
The capacity of hedonic pricing analysis to reflect the economic benefits of air quality
M.E. Faubert, B. Sinclair-Desgagné, E. Turkina, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Command-and-control policy implementation: an empirical study of road-noise barriers deployment
C. Régnier, S. Legras, CESAER, Dijon, France
Urban structure and environmental externalities
P. Bentata, Y. Hiriart, CRED, Paris, France
Biaised judges: evidence from French environmental cases
16:00 – 16:30 Pause café, Hall
16:30 – 18.00 Assemblée générale de la FAERE, Maison des Etudiants Aimé Schoenig
20:00 – 22:00 DINER DE GALA, Restaurant l’Insensé
Vendredi 12 Septembre 2014
08:30 – 9:00 Enregistrement, Hall
09:00 – 10:30 SESSIONS PARALLELES C1 – C8
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C1 – Changement climatique 2
Chair: Gilles Lafforgue, Salle C014
P. Dato, A. Pommeret, IREGE, Annecy, France
Energy transition under the possibility of a stochastic catastrophe: a two-sector approach
L.G. Giraudet, C. Guivarch, CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Strategic and intertemporal feedbacks in climate change mitigation vs. adaptation: The case of space heating and cooling
J.P. Amigues, G. Lafforgue, M. Moreau, TBS, Toulouse, France
Optimal timing of CCS policies under decreasing returns to scale
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C2 – Energie 3
Chair: Philippe Quirion, Salle C015
D. Charlier, M. Podesta, IREGE, Annecy, France
The role of social value in the investment decision in cleaner technology
O. Lecuyer, A. Vogt-Schilb, Dept of Economics and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Suisse
Assessing and ordering investment in polluting fossil-fueled and zero-carbon capital
R. Marschinski, P. Quirion, CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Tradable renewable quota vs. feed-in tariff vs. feed-in premium under uncertainty
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C3 – Pollution 2
Chair: Hubert Stahn, Salle C016
J. Daubanes, A. Grimaud, L. Rougé, TBS, Toulouse, France
Green paradox and directed technical change: the effect of subsidies to clean R&D
D. Sans, S. Schwartz, H. Stahn, CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand, France
What about polluting eco-industry?
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C4 – Droits de propriété
Chair: Nicolas Quérou, Salle C018
K. Borissov, T. Bréchet, S. Lambrecht, M. Pakhnin, EQUIPPE, Lille, France
Natural resources:Should property be public or private?
M.-H. Nguyen, TSE, Toulouse, France
Optimal endogenous growth with natural resources
C. Costello, N. Quérou, A. Tomini, LAMETA, France
Spatial concessions with limited tenure
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C5 – Agriculture & environnement
Chair: Sophie Thoyer, Salle C314
A. Fournier, EconomiX, Nanterre, France
Conventional vs. alternative farming: assessing the sustainability of a regional food supply pattern
A. Lungarska, P.A. Jayet, Economie Publique, Grignon, France
Nitrate pollution and differentiation of input-based tax applied to France
N. Fauvet, J.C. Péreau, GREThA, Bordeaux, France
Nutrient allowances market and wetland abatement
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C6 – Problèmes spatiaux
Chair: Julie Subervie, Salle C315
H.P.P. Donfouet, P.W. Jeanty, E. Malin, CREM, Rennes, France
A spatial dynamic panel analysis of the environmental Kuznets curve in european countries
V. Boulanger, M. Bruciamacchie, S. Chauchard, A. Dragicevic, J.L. Dupouey, A. Stenger, LEF, Nancy, France
Spatial dynamics of green corridors
P. Delacote, S. Garcia, A. Dragicevic, , LEF, Nancy, France
Principal-agent relationship in resource management, multiple principals and spatial dynamics

09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C7 – Environnement et développement
Chair: Marie-Hélène Hubert, Salle C316
P. Delacote, S. Garcia, J. Wolfersberger, LEF, Nancy, France
An empirical analysis of the cumulative nature of deforestation
A. Dechezleprêtre, J. Colmet, C. Gennaioli, M. Glachant, A. Schröder, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France
Assessing the additionality of the clean development mechanism: quasi-experimental evidence from India
I. Cadoret, M.H. Hubert, V. Thelen, CREM, Rennes, France
Civil conflicts and food price spikes
09:00-10:30 SESSION PARALLELE C8 – Problèmes comportementaux 2
Chair: Marc Willinger, Salle C318
P. Le Coent, R. Préget, S. Thoyer, LAMETA, Montpellier, France
Why pay for nothing? An experiment on a conditional subsidy scheme in a threshold public good game
N. Jacquemet, A.G. James, S. Luchini, J.F. Shogren, GREQAM, Marseille, France
Referenda under Oath
A. Reynaud, C. Aubert, GREThA, Bordeaux, France
Do Natural Disasters Modify Risk Preferences? Evidence From a Field Experiment in Vietnam
10:30 – 11:00 Pause café, Hall
11:00 – 12:30 SESSION PLENIERE 2, Maison des Etudiants Aimé Schoenig
Pr Jason Shogren, economist, University of Wyoming, « Do the Behavioral Underpinnings of Environmental Policy Matter? »
12:30 – 14:15 Déjeuner, Hall
14:15-15:45 Table ronde “Les grands défis de l’économie de l’environnement : passés, présents, futurs” avec les invités d’honneur de la FAERE:
Roger Guesnerie,
Michel Moreaux,
Claude Henry,
Marcel Boyer,
Gilles Rotillon.
Modérateur : François Salanié
Compte-rendu et réactions par Nicolas Treich.
15:45 – 16:15 Pause café, Hall
16:15 – 17:45 SESSIONS PARALLELES D1 – D5
16:15-17:45 SESSION PARALLELE D1 – Equité et environnement
Chair: Charles Figuières, Salle C014
M. Dupoux, V. Martinet, EconomiX, Nanterre, France
Context-dependent susbstitutability : impacts on environmental preferences and discounting
M. Adler, N. Treich, TSE, Toulouse, France
Consumption, risk and prioritarianism
F. Caillavet, N. Darmon, A. Fadhuile, V. Nichèle,ALISS, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Greenhouse gas emissions of households food purchase in France: does income matter?

16:15-17:45 SESSION PARALLELE D2 – Problèmes internationaux
Chair: Francesco Ricci, Salle C015
C. Bellora, J.M. Bourgeon, THEMA, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Agricultural trade, biodiversity effects and food price volatility
D. Dussaux, M. Glachant, CERNA, Paris, France
Importing foreign metallic raw materials or recovering scrap metal at home?
16:15-17:45 SESSION PARALLELE D3 – Forêt 2
Chair: Mireille Chiroleu Assouline, Salle C016
M. Brunette, S. Couture, LEF, Nancy, France
Risk management activities of a non-industrial private forest owner with a bivariate utility function
M. Chiroleu-Assouline, J.C. Poudou, S. Roussel, CES, Paris, France
REDD+ as a tool for climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation : co-benefits and trade-offs under moral hazard
16:15-17:45 SESSION PARALLELE D4 – Croissance et environnement
Chair: Fabien Prieur, Salle C018
K. Constant, M. Davin, AMSE, Marseille, France
Environmental policy and growth in a model with endogenous environmental awareness
L. Rougé, TBS, Toulouse, France
Environmental policy and the long run management of a growing stock of waste
S. Bosi, D. Desmarchelier, L. Ragot, EconomiX, Nanterre, France
Pollution effects on labor supply and growth
16:15-17:45 SESSION PARALLELE D5 – Régulation environnementale 2
Chair: François Salanié, Salle C314
L. Anouliès, RITM, Paris, France
Heterogeneous firms in a cap-and-trade program
S. Andrade de Sà, J. Daubanes, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Suisse
Limit-pricing and the (un)effectiveness of the carbon tax
J.-P. Nicolaï, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Suisse
The “windfall profits 2.0” during the third phase of EU-ETS