
In order to advertize the works of the French or French speaking environmental economists, the FAERE has created two series of working papers.

The Working Papers Series gather academic works. They are referenced in EconPapers and RePEc.

The Policy Papers Series are intended for a larger audience and, in the FAERE field, they often deal with environmental public policies’ design and evaluation. Such works may be

  • academic articles, that may simultaneously be published in the Working Papers Series
  • ANR, expertise, or public reports
  • or any other relevant work, in order to advertize it.
Any work may be published, in either series (or both), provided it satisfies the above conditions, and is not protected by copyright.

The FAERE membership is not a necessary condition (but the FAERE would appreciate the authors’ support).

The Editorial Board provides a benevolent refereeing before publication on this website. A frank and anonymous report will be sent to the authors: strengths and weaknesses of the paper, scientific reviews where to submit.

For papers already accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals, the process will be accelerated.

The Press-Opinions-Debates webpage publishes specific views of FAERE members, already published or not in newspapers.

Submission online