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Objectives and Description:

Critical raw materials (CRMs) are defined by the European Commission as « raw materials of great importance to the EU economy, the supply of which is associated with high risk ». Their technological and economic importance, combined with concerns about their future availability as a result of geopolitical and geological factors, has led to increasing attention being paid to the raw materials used to produce energy from renewable sources. Indeed, in order to build the energy infrastructure essential to meeting greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, significant quantities of mineral resources need to be mobilized. The International Energy Agency also points out that an energy system powered by low-carbon energy technologies needs many more minerals, including copper, silicon and silver for solar photovoltaics. There is currently no shortage of these mineral resources, but recent price rises (copper in particular) show that supply may struggle to keep pace with global climate ambitions. The European Commission recently moved from concern to policy with its action plan on critical raw materials. The criticality of these materials calls for their recycling and the improvement of technologies that do not depend on mineral resource management, which are the two pillars of a global approach to mineral safety.

Deadline to apply: September 15th 2024 to be sent to
The application requires the submission of a CV. For further information, please visit : https://www.univ-smb.fr/solaracademy/bip-sunmat-thematic-school-2024/

USMB will cover accommodation from Sunday night, November 17, 2024, to Thursday night, November 21, 2024.

Since 2018 PSE organises a summer school in Climate Change Economics aimed at PhD students as well as professionals working in international organizations and national institutions on economic analysis of climate change. The 2024 programme features Maximilian Auffhammer (UC Berkeley) as guest professor and the PSE faculty are Marc Fleurbaey, Matthew Gordon, François Libois, Katrin Millock, Hélène Ollivier, and Stéphane Zuber. The information on the detailed course programme and application procedure can be found here:

The Laboratoire d’Economie et de Management de Nantes-Atlantique (LEMNA) is pleased to announce its 2024 Workshop on Climate Economics to take place at Nantes University on September 13th, 2024.

We invite you to submit your unpublished paper in any field of Climate Economics (empirical and/or theoretical). Particularly welcome are contributions on topics including, but not necessarily limited to:

– Climate change measurements and transmission channels to real economic activity;

– Climate-related risks and uncertainties;

– Climate change and financial stability;

– Climate change and the monetary policy transmission mechanism;

Please submit your paper by June 16th 2024 at the latest, via Inomics. Acceptance decisions will be announced by the end of June 2024.

There is no workshop fee. Financial support can be provided upon request subject to availability.

Invited speaker: Olivier Deschenes (University of California, NBER)

Scientific Committee: Eugenie Dugoua (London School of Economics), Olivier Damette (Universit. de Lorraine), Gauthier Vermandel (Ecole Polytechnique)

Organizing Committee: Hamza Bennani (Nantes Universit.), Oussama Houari (Nantes Universit.)



The Paris School of Economics is glad to invite you to the workshop on: “Corporate Capture and the Environmental Emergency”

 📅 Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29, 2024
📌 Paris School of Economics

Daniel Cohen amphitheater

Registration (compulsory): https://framaforms.org/workshopcorporate-capture-and-green-transition-march-28-and-29-1708679578

Forty years ago, the “neoliberal revolution” spread across the world in waves of privatization, deregulation and tax reduction. The promise was that free market competition would unleash entrepreneurship, bring prosperity and freedom to humankind.

The world has seen an unprecedented growth in material well-being. However, big corporations dominate Today’s world economy. Inequalities are rising bringing back poverty in developed countries. And humanity is facing an existential threat due to manmade climate change and the pollution of air, soils and oceans, witnessing of a disastrous allocation inefficiency.

At the same time, the rising power of unaccountable big corporations and international financial groups is raising concerns around the world. Through campaign funding, lobbying, revolving doors, media control and think tanks, a wealthy corporate and financial elite is having an unprecedented influence on the processes that shape regulations, laws and institutions as well as governmental policies.

Green transition, from CO2 reduction to sustainable agriculture, forestry and water management run against the business interests of most powerful corporations and financial groups.

This workshop aims at taking stock of corporate capture in the context of today’s capitalism with a special focus on its impact on environmental policies.


Thursday March 28

8.30-9.00 – Registration

9.00 – Introduction by Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky (PSE)

Part 1: The rise of corporate power

1. Neoliberal policies and corporate capture

Coffe break

12.45-14.15 – Lunch

2. Mechanisms of corporate capture

Coffee break

19.30-21.30 – Social dinner

Friday March 29

Part 2: Big Corporations vs Climate and Environmental action

Coffee break

13.15-14.45 – Lunch

14.45-16.15 – Round table
Can Green Capitalism respond to the Environmental Emergency?

Organizers: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (PSE, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky (PSE)

Dear all,

The 8th Workshop on Non-Market Valuation (WONV) will take place at the Leeds University Business School (UK) on the 13th-14th of June 2024. This year, the WONV is organised by the Centre for Decision Research.

The scope of this edition is Non-Market Valuation and Decision Science. Researchers working on stated and revealed preferences or on alternative methods for environmental decision making such as Multiple-Criteria Analysis, or studies on environmental judgment and decision making, are invited to submit their work. Cross-methodological applications are particularly encouraged, although all papers are welcome!

Submit your methodological contributions and innovative applications of environmental decision-making methods before April 2nd by following this link (https://www.wonv.fr/next-edition). Early-career researchers and PGR students are strongly encouraged to participate.

Our two keynote speakers this year are Wändi Bruine de Bruin and Klaus Glenk.

 The best paper award returns, and a special issue will be organised in the Central European Economic Journal. Finally, why don’t you stay in Leeds for a week? Colleagues at the Choice Modelling Centre are organising an advanced choice modelling course 10-12 June 2024. This is a great opportunity to learn new modelling approaches and increase the impact of your research in environmental decision making!

We are looking forward welcoming you in Leeds,

Romain Crastes dit Sourd
Barbara Summers
Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu


Young Researchers day on March 15, 2024 in Rennes. Interested candidates are invited to send a CV and Job Market Paper to by February 26, 2024. For more information on the day, please consult the following link: : Journées Jeunes Docteurs_CREM

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the call for papers for the Paris-Saclay Conference on Trade and Environment 2024, which will take place in person at Agro Paris-Saclay Campus, Palaiseau (France) on May 13th and 14th, 2024. The conference is organized by the research unit Paris-Saclay Applied Economics (PSAE) at INRAE and AgroParisTech.

All researchers working in trade and environmental and resource economics are invited to submit a full paper (in pdf format) to before February 15th, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors on March 15th, 2024.

We are glad to welcome as keynote speakersClara Brandi (IDOS and Universität Bonn) and Farid Farrokhi (Purdue University).

We are pleased to offer participation without registration fees. Travel and accommodation expenses remain the responsibility of the participants.

We look forward to hosting engaging discussions and fostering collaborative research initiatives!

Best regards,

The organizing committee: Basak Bayramoglu (INRAE, PSAE), Bertille Daran (INRAE, PSAE, CIRED), Clément Nedoncelle (INRAE, PSAE).

Dear colleagues,

Please find the call for papers for the 4th International Conference on Environmental Economics: A Focus on Natural Resources, which will take place in person in Orléans (France) on April 4th and 5th, 2024.

All researchers working in environmental and resource economics are invited to submit a full paper (in pdf format) to before February 12th, 2024.

Special session proposals need to be submitted by February 5th, 2024. Each proposal should include three full papers on a given topic. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors on February 26th, 2024.

We are glad to welcome as keynote speakers, for the 2024 edition of the conference:  Stefan Baumgärtner (Univ. of Freiburg), Carolyn Fischer (Univ. of Ottawa), Ilan Noy (Victoria Univ. of Wellington), and Katheline Schubert (Paris School of Economics).

We are pleased to offer participation without registration fees. Travel and accommodation expenses remain the responsibility of the participants.

Please visit the conference website (https://sites.google.com/view/eenr2024/home) for further information on this event.

Best regards,

The organizing committee: Karine Constant, Xavier Galiègue, Djamel Kirat, Mélie Hénault, Thais Nunez-Rocha, Anthony Paris, Yohan Renard, Camélia Turcu, Chahir Zaki.

The AMSE Summer School 2024 is entitled “Discounting, risk and the environment” and will take place in Marseille from 10 to 12 June 2024.
Lectures will be given by:
  • Aude POMMERET (Université de Savoie Mont Blanc, France Stratégie),
  • Olivier CHANEL (CNRS, AMSE),
  • Christian GOLLIER (Toulouse School of Economics),
  • Ben GROOM (University of Exeter Business School).
This summer school is aimed at graduate students (Master and PhD), professionals and faculty; We invite applications until February 23, 2024.
For more details about the summer school, its organization, and how to apply, please visit the summer school website: https://summeramse24.sciencesconf.org/
Please feel free to share this information with colleagues and students who might be interested.

Cost-Benefit Analysis in the face of climate change – November 29, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

You will find the seminar program: Programme_Séminaire_ACB_changement_climatique_ANSES291123.

The seminar will be introduced by Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, and will be closed by Jean Jouzel, paleoclimatologist, CNRS emeritus research director, former member and vice-president of the IPCC. This seminar is open to researchers and social science experts interested in the subject. It will take place exclusively in person at the Maisons-Alfort premises.

As seats are limited, you are invited to indicate your participation by registering with the following link by November 15, 2023: https://planif.anses.fr/framadate/FOVVVvBRz9vkTLU8 (please confirm your presence only if you are sure of being able to participate).

For any scientific questions, you can contact Karine Fiore, Deputy Director of DiSSES (Social Sciences, Economy and Society Department) of ANSES (). For any logistical questions, Catherine Pierson is at your disposal ().

Dans le cadre du plan de formation de l’ensemble des agents de l’Etat, piloté par les ministères chargés de la transformation et de la fonction publique, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche et de l’écologie, les personnels scientifiques des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche (ESR) sont appelés à manifester leur intérêt pour donner des conférences de vulgarisation sur les enjeux de la transition écologique à destination des agents de l’Etat et/ou des formateurs au sein des établissements ESR. Les personnels scientifiques sélectionnés bénéficieront de ressources documentaires identifiées et mises au point par le groupe national d’experts, d’une rémunération des heures de formation dispensées et de la prise en charge de leurs éventuels frais de déplacement.

Pour manifester votre intérêt, flasher le QR code figurant dans le lien ci-dessous. La réponse est attendue de préférence avant le 31 juillet 2023.

Lettre des ministres Retailleau et Guérini mobilisation sur la transition écologique

The workshop on “Institutions, Individual Behaviour and Economic Outcomes” will take place in Corte (Corsica, France) on June 21-23, 2023, organised by the University of Corsica with the contribution of CRENoS (University of Sassari and University of Cagliari).

For more information: Click here

Deadline for submission postponed to April 7, 2023

Topic: Human and policy dimensions of urban sustainability
Paris, France (in the beautiful Jardin Tropical, our CIRED campus)
Deadline for application: March 24, 2023

The aim of the Summer School is to foster scientific exchanges between participants and faculty members about human and policy dimensions of urban sustainability, and the modelling methods relevant to address the different dimensions to this broad issue.
The topic could cover retrospective (e.g. econometrics) and prospective (e.g. using integrated models) studies on all dimensions of urban sustainability: GHG emissions, adaptation to climate change, air pollution, ecosystem services. The studies should analyze either costs, benefits, or equity issues related to these concepts, and be relevant for policy making, for instance.
The faculty will be composed of CIRED researchers and several leading European researchers on urban sustainability.

Confirmed faculty members include:
Philippe Quirion (CIRED, CNRS)
Vincent Viguié (CIRED, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
Felix Creutzig (MCC, TU Berlin)
Audrey De Nazelle (Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London)
Améline Vallet (CIRED & ESE, AgroParisTech)

Find all the information about applications and scholarships on our website.

The “Natural Resources and Local Economy” Chair associated with the Bureau d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA) of the University of Lorraine organizes a two-day conference at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Administration of Metz, in order to bring together researchers to present and discuss theoretical and empirical work dedicated to economics of natural resources.

Download the call (in French) here, and submit your paper now at: https://conferencerenel2023.sciencesconf.org

Deadline for submission: March 12, 2023.

The Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (UMR GAEL) organizes a one-day workshop on the topic of Energy economics. It will take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, in the premises of GAEL on Grenoble campus.

For more information (in French): Call for paper

The first ‘Days MESSH‘ constitute an international and interdisciplinary scientific event devoted to the ‘Mathematics for bio-Economics and Sustainability of fiSHeries’. It will be held on January 2023 in Sète at UMR MARBEC.
The event is part of a project entitled MESSH mainly funded by the IMPT (Institut des Mathématiques de la Planète Terre), the CNRS and the RMA (Resource Modeling Association). The content of these 3 Days ‘MESSH’ in Sète is between a Symposium and a School with keynote lectures planned on every morning.

Following the 1st annual conference of the RENEL Chair (www.chaire-renel.fr) which took place in Metz on May 11 and 12, 2022, a special issue of the Revue d’économie industrielle will be published, entitled “Economics of natural resources and energy: analyzing and supporting transitions”. The issue will be coordinated by Serge Garcia and Alexandre Mayol.

To find out more about the call for papers: Click here

The deadline for submitting an article is September 30, 2022.
If you need a little more time, please ask:
Serge Garcia, 
Alexandre Mayol,

The 4th Conference Smart and Sustainable Cities will take place on 27 and 28 of October of 2022 in Lille, France.
This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to provoke meetings, exchange of ideas and to advance scientific knowledge on possible and desirable futures in the field of smart and sustainable cities. It aims to gather academics, researchers, practitioners from corporations and associations, policymakers who share an interest in areas related to smart and sustainable cities.

Carlos Moreno will give the inaugural keynote conference on October 27th and the conference will also feature thematic workshops, panels with speakers from major companies. The conference is part of a larger event which will give participants access to a unique experience: the ECOPOSS biennal (https://www.ecoposs.fr/la-biennale).

For more information: https://smart-and-sustainable.org/inscription-et-programme/

The aim of the PSE (Paris School of Economics) 2022 conference, entitled “For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition”, will be to launch the PSE – Environment Initiative, which mobilizes all the school toward new research, teaching and public outreach on the environmental transition.

For more information: https://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/en/news/pse-annual-conference-on-global-issues-for-a-systemic-and-humanist-environmental-transition-from-may-11-to-13/

This conference will take place at INRAE located at 147 Rue de l’Université in Paris.

It is organized at the initiative of the PSAE research unit by:

Basak Bayramoglu (INRAE-PSAE)
Guy Meunier (INRAE-PSAE)
Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNRS-IP Paris)

For more information: https://msh-paris-saclay.fr/conference-innovation-and-climate-change-governance-19-et-20-mai-2022/

70th Congress of the French Economic Association (AFSE), France
For more information: https://www.afse.fr/fr/news/call-for-papers-afse-2022-annual-congress-2113

The 22nd International BIOECON Conference will be held on September 17–19, 2021 using a concurrent hybrid format: in-person at Snow King Resort, Jackson, Wyoming, USA (gateway to Grand Teton National Park) and streaming through an online virtual conference platform.
The keynote speakers will be Simon Levin (Princeton University) and Heidi J. Albers (University of Wyoming).

Session proposals and papers may be submitted no later than May 29, 2021 either online (https://tinyurl.com/BIOECONXXIIsubmit) or by email ().

For more information: http://www.bioecon-network.org/pages/22th_2020/BIOECON_2021_announcement.pdf

The 27th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics will take place online, August 24-25, 2021 (two afternoons, Swedish time).
The conference is organized by the Centre for Environmental & Resource Economics (CERE), a joint venture between Umeå University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU
 – Umeå, Sweden).

For more information: http://www.cere.se/en/ulvoen/ulvon-konferens-2021.html

The 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, organized by Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), will be held online.
The conference is supported by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), and Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC). The organization of the conference is also supported by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
– Pre-Conference: Monday, June 21 & Tuesday, June 22, 2021
– Conference: Wednesday, June 23 – Friday, June 25, 2021

For more information: http://www.eaere-conferences.org.

Date limite de candidature : 31 Mars 2021

L’impact économique du changement climatique et les possibilités de régulation appropriée sont apparus depuis deux décennies comme des thèmes centraux de l’économie publique.
L’Ecole d’été PSE propose sur ce sujet des enseignements nourris par la recherche académique, assurés par des experts dans leur domaine, au cours d’un programme d’une semaine sur l’Economie du Changement climatique (entièrement en anglais). Ce programme à plein-temps est composé d’un ensemble de cours et d’applications pratiques, encadré par des professeurs de PSE. Il se déroulera à Paris. Le public concerné comprend des professionnels, des chercheurs, ainsi que des étudiants en Economie et Finance (Masters et Doctorat). Des étudiants moins avancés peuvent éventuellement être acceptés, à la condition que leur dossier témoigne d’une excellence exceptionnelle.

Ce programme a pour ambition d’enseigner aux participants les dernières avancées de la recherche et de leur permettre de se familiariser avec les méthodes utilisées pour analyser ces questions.

Intervenants : Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, François Libois, Katrin Millock, Hélène Ollivier, Giovanni Peri et Katheline Schubert.
Direction du programme : Hélène Ollivier

Tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir sur le programme Economie du Changement climatique 2021 figure sur le site web dédié qui précise les objectifs de tous les cours, les sujets traités, la structure du programme et les références bibliographiques.

Profils des participants, frais d’inscription, dossier de candidature et date limite… Comment postuler ? – avant le 31 Mars 2021.

The 69th Congress of the French Economic Association (AFSE) will be held virtually on June 8-10, 2021, and will be hosted by Lille Economie Management (LEM, CNRS, IÉSEG School of Management, University of Lille).
The keynote speakers will be Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Muriel Niederle (Stanford University) and Valérie Mignon (Université Paris Nanterre, President of AFSE).

For more information: https://afse2020.sciencesconf.org/

The 22nd International BIOECON Conference will be held on September 30-October 2, 2021 at Jackson Lake Lodge (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA).
The keynote speakers will be Carolyn Fischer (Resources for the Future) and Simon Levin (Princeton University).

Papers may be submitted for presentation to , no later than May 15, 2020.

For more information: http://www.bioecon-network.org/pages/22th_2020/BIOECON_2020_announcement.pdf

Le thème principal du congrès est Finances publiques, ressources naturelles et changement climatique. Dans le cadre de ce thème, le congrès offre un lieu de présentation et de discussion des recherches de pointe en matière d’économie publique des ressources naturelles. Le thème principal du congrès devrait également permettre une discussion fructueuse sur l’économie publique du changement climatique, tant en ce qui concerne les actions visant à ralentir ce processus que les conséquences du changement climatique sur l’économie publique.
Les contributeurs potentiels, qu’ils soient praticiens ou universitaires, sont invités à soumettre des articles sur tout sujet relevant du domaine de l’économie publique.
De plus amples renseignements sur les critères de soumission sont disponibles à

15 février 2020 – date limite de soumission de papiers complets
Avril 2020 – Notification des acceptations

Call for Papers, 76th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance :  » Public Finance, Natural Resources and Climate Change »

The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, organized by Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), will be held in Berlin in 2020!
The conference is supported by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), and Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC). The organization of the conference is also supported by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
– Pre-Conference: Wednesday, June 24, 2021
– Conference: Wednesday, June 24 – Saturday, June 27, 2021

For more information: http://www.eaere-conferences.org.

Objectifs de la conférence :
Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des articles de recherche sur des sujets qui incluent, sans s’y limiter:
– Le rôle des marchés dans l’adaptation au changement climatique
– Compatibilité des règles du commerce international avec les politiques d’atténuation
– Volatilité du marché et changement climatique
– Arbitrages potentiels entre l’atténuation et d’autres objectifs politiques (par exemple, la sécurité alimentaire)
– Préjugé environnemental des politiques agricoles
– Fuite des politiques environnementales nationales
– Modélisation des marchés agricoles pour l’analyse du changement climatique
– Système alimentaire télécouplé et changement climatique

Conférenciers invités : 
– Thomas Hertel – Université Purdue
– Alan Matthews – Trinity College, Dublin, et membre du Conseil consultatif du gouvernement irlandais sur le changement climatique
– Pierre Merel – Université de Californie, Davis
– Hugo Valin – IIASA

Soumission des articles :
Les articles complets ou les résumés longs (minimum 7 pages) doivent être soumis par voie électronique sur la page de soumission de la conférence.
Date limite de soumission: 15 mars 2020.
Notification d’acceptation des articles: 6 avril 2020.

Plus d’informations : https://ccam.lsce.ipsl.fr

Appel à communications Workshop

Le Journal of the Spanish economic association (SERIEs) vient de publier l’appel à communications d’un numéro spécial sur l’économie de la transition énergétique. Les rédacteurs invités sont Natalia Fabra (Université Carlos III de Madrid) et Xavier Labandeira (Universidade de Vigo).
Portée du numéro spécial: La soi-disant transition énergétique, c’est-à-dire les transformations liées à l’énergie pour atteindre les sociétés décarbonées, aura de profondes implications socio-économiques. Dans ce numéro, les rédacteurs recherchent des articles théoriques et empiriques rigoureux qui contribuent à comprendre les principaux défis politiques et les effets macro et microéconomiques associés à la transition énergétique.

Date limite de soumission : 30 mai 2020

Instructions de soumission : Les manuscrits complets doivent être soumis par voie électronique via la page Web du Journal de l’Association économique espagnole-SERIE (https://www.springer.com/journal/13209).

Appel à publication : SERIEs Special Issue on The Economics of the Energy Transition

Université de Rennes 1, Université Rennes 2, and the University of California at Santa Barbara are pleased to announce a double academic conference on vegetarian epiphanies, these moments of powerful insight that bring new understanding and trigger transitions to plant-based diets.

In anticipation of this event, we encourage the interdisciplinary confrontation of points of view in the humanities (anthropology, cultural studies, economics, animal studies and critical animal studies, history, geography, literature, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.). Papers will discuss the social, cultural, ideological, political, behavioural as well as ethical aspects of vegetarian epiphanies.

Submission guidelines, key dates and detailed information on the conference are available on the dedicated websites:

Santa Barbara:

Proposals for papers should be approximately 250 words in length and be uploaded before November, 1, 2019. Notification to authors before December, 1, 2019.

Émilie Dardenne, Romain Espinosa, Renan Larue

CFP Closes: Friday, November 1, 2019

Conference Objectives:
The Conference will provide an opportunity for scholars interested in Environmental and Resource Economics to discuss their research and to exchange ideas.
Researchers are invited to submit both empirical and theoretical papers from all fields in Environmental and Resources Economics. For example, we will welcome papers related to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
– Local impact of natural resources extraction
– Trade and the environment
– Natural resource curse and blessing
– Environmental regulation
– Recycling
– Circular economy
– Conflicts and natural resources
– Households adaptation to climate change
– International environmental agreements
– Energy and renewable energy
– Environment and development
– Pollution

Keynote Speakers:
The Conference organizers are delighted to welcome:
– Lucas Bretschger (ETH Zurich)
– Richard Tol (University of Sussex)
– Anastasios Xepapadeas (Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Bologna)

Submission of Papers:
Only full papers may be submitted, preferably in pdf-format. Papers should be submitted to: 
Deadline for paper submission is March 2, 2020.
Special sessions proposals need to be submitted by March 2, 2020. Each proposal should include three full papers that are linked to the same topic.

There is no registration fee.
However, participants must register for this event by sending a confirmation e-mail, by March 10, 2020 to:  and by filling in a doodle link sent by the organizers.

More information: https://sites.google.com/view/eenr2020/home

Call for Papers, International Conference on Environmental Economics: a focus on natural resources

The FAERE organises the environmental economics sessions of the 65th annual congress of the Association Française de Sciences Economiques (AFSE).

The FAERE organises the environmental economics sessions of the 64th annual congress of the Association Française de Sciences Economiques (AFSE).

The workshop is open to both young and experienced researchers.
The keynote speakers are: Pr. Brett Day (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK), Pr. Stephane Hess (University of Leeds, UK) and Pr. Jurgen Meyerhoff (Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany).
The information about the workshop are available at: http://www.wonv.fr/

The FAERE organises the environmental economics sessions of the 32nd Conference of Applied Microeconomics (JMA) that will take place on the 4th and 5th June 2015 in Montpellier (France), organised by the LAMETA (Laboratoire Montpelliérain d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée).

Organised by ART-DEV and University Montpellier 1.
Contact: meetingenergymontpellier2014(at)univ-montp1.fr.
External link: http://art-dev.cnrs.fr/colloques/?num_art=823

with a pre-conference on « Climate Policies in Developing Countries ».
Contact: Johanna Choumert (johanna.choumert(at)udamail.fr).
External link: http://enrmdte2014.sciencesconf.org/

The FAERE has organized the environmental economics sessions of the 63rd annual congress of the Association Française de Sciences Economiques (AFSE).

Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie

244 Boulevard Saint-Germain 75007, Salle 6017, 10h30-12h30

Program of the roundtable
Slides (pdf, in French): Table Ronde FAERE-CEDD_Consommation Durable_02 Avril 2014.

Conference: « Gaz de schiste : une solution ? »
A joint initiative of the FAERE and the Journées de l’économie (Lyon, November 14-16, 2013).