What economic tools and instruments for the sustainable management of karst water resources? Case study of the Lez karst.

The aim of this thesis is to identify the tools and instruments that will enable the sustainable management of a karst socio-hydrosystem under climate change.

It will be based on the Lez karstic aquifer (Hérault department, France). This is a strategic aquifer, being the main source of drinking water for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (93% of the water used by Régie des Eaux 3M in 2022). Its impluvium is located north of the commune of Montpellier and extends over 400 km2 representing all or part of 32 communes.

Keywords: water demand, economic approaches, global change, karst groundwater resources

More details on the issues, research questions, methods, work program and profile sought in the attached document.