FAERE Thematic Workshops

FAERE and Solar Academy are pleased to announce the launch of the fourth edition of the doctoral workshop, which will be held in Annecy on 26 and 27  May 2025.

Doctoral students working in environmental, natural resources and energy economics are invited to present their papers, research projects or thesis chapters.

All contributions are welcome. The workshop will host both theoretical and empirical works, at different stages of development. The objective is to open a space for academic and friendly discussion, to bring together the community of PhD students in our field, to allow them to present their work in progress, to test a research idea, to share their experiences, or to submit research difficulties to their peers in order to find solutions.

The program will consist of presentations, in English or French, followed by a short discussion by a PhD student and a senior researcher.

If you wish to participate, please submit a long abstract (1000 words maximum), by 24 March 2025 to the following address: https://forms.gle/hVSBjBEiNNoZR97K7

Selected students must be up to date with their FAERE membership at the time of the workshop. Mission expenses will be covered.


On November 28th and 29th (2024), the CEPN will organize the 14th Journées Thématiques of FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) at Campus Condorcet (Auditorium, centre des Colloques). The selected theme of the two-day international conference is “Environment, Policies, and Risks: Heterogeneities in Climate Change and Sustainability” and we particularly encourage submissions dealing with the following topics

– New dimensions and diversity of climate-related risks, financial markets- Heterogeneous effects on labour markets, inequality, just transitions
– Climate change and technological innovations
– Firms’ and consumers’ strategies, energy choices
– Heterogeneous environmental policies, political economy

Important dates
Submission deadline:                       September 10th
Acceptance:                                      September 27th
Registration (paper presenters):    October 18th

You will find the Call for papers attached to this email, and you can also visit the website of the conference for further details, submissions and registration at 


The keynote speakers at the conference will be

* Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (Paris School of Economics)
* Stefano Giglio (Yale University) (remotely)
* Francesco Quatraro (University of Turin)
* Richard Tol (University of Sussex)
* Francesco Vona (University of Milan and FEEM)

The event is organized with the support of FAERE, the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, and the Fondation pour la modélisation en économie (Labex MME-DDI). It is also sponsored by the INFER network, the Energy & Prosperity Chair and Climate Economics Chair.

We hope that many of you will get involved by circulating the call and related information, submitting your research work, and participating in the conference.

Best regards,

Donatella Gatti, Imen Ghattassi, Gaye-Del Lo, Malo Mofakhami, Sandra Rigot, Julien Vauday



FAERE and Solar Academy are pleased to announce the launch of the third edition of the doctoral workshop, which will be held in Annecy on 14 and 15 March 2024.

Doctoral students working in environmental, natural resources and energy economics are invited to present their papers, research projects or thesis chapters.

All contributions are welcome. The workshop will host both theoretical and empirical works, at different stages of development. The objective is to open a space for academic and friendly discussion, to bring together the community of PhD students in our field, to allow them to present their work in progress, to test a research idea, to share their experiences, or to submit

research difficulties to their peers in order to find solutions.

The program will consist of 30 minutes of presentations, in English or French, followed by a short discussion by a PhD student and a senior researcher.

If you wish to participate, please submit a long abstract (1000 words maximum), by 22 January 2024 to the following address:

Selected students must be up to date with their FAERE membership at the time of the workshop. Mission expenses will be covered.

Important dates:

Submission: 22 January 2024

Notification of acceptance: 12 February 2024

The 13th FAERE Thematic Workshop will be held at the Gustave Eiffel University (Cité Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne), on June 1st and 2nd, on the topic “Cities and Environment”.

Call for papers
Deadline for submission: April 19, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2023
Registration deadline: May 19, 2023

Please visit the conference website : https://jt-faere23.sciencesconf.org/

The 12th FAERE Thematic Workshop will be held at the University Paris-Saclay, on April 21 and 22, on the topic “Economics and Management of Climate Change: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation”.

This two-day workshop will include:

  • A keynote lecture by Pr. Thomas Sterner (University of Gothenburg)
  • A number of sessions with presentation of selected research papers in economics and management
  • A roundtable with scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders, to discuss the conclusions of the AR6 Climate Change 2022 report on “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” (working group 2) and “Mitigation of Climate Change” (working group 3) to be released a few weeks before the workshop.

Registration online: https://forms.gle/4VkMjtfescaYuhem9


Conference website

The 11th FAERE Thematic Workshop was held at the Paris School of Economics, France, on December 9-10, 2019. On the theme of energy transition, various topics were covered including fossil fuel use, renewable energy, energy efficiency, innovation, and energy transition instruments.


The 10th FAERE Thematic workshop, hosted by the University of Guyane, has been devoted to the three complementary topics « Energy – Biodiversity – Ecological Transition ».

The program consisted of oral presentations, which had undergone a selection procedure.

The keynote lectures were given by:
– Stefan Baumgärtner (Germany),
– Quentin Grafton (Australia),
– Michel Loreau (France).
Conference website

The keynote lectures were given by:
– Pascal Boireau (Directeur du laboratoire de Santé animale, ANSES, France),
– Olivier Deschenes (Professeur à l’Université de Californie, Santa Barbara, EU),
– Nicolas Treich (Directeur de Recherche à l’INRA, TSE-R, France).

Call for papers: Call for papers 5th FAERE Thematic Workshop
The CREM page on the workshop is available from the link: http://crem.univ-rennes1.fr/spip.php?rubrique158

The information about the workshop are available at: http://www.lov.obs-vlfr.fr/
Program: Call_FAERE_Villefranche_Nov_2015

Call for papers: Call JTFAERE 2015
Program: Program JT FAERE 2015
Contact: Dorothée Brécard (brecard(at)univ-tln.fr)

Devoted to dynamic and/or spatial issues in environmental and resource economics, this thematic meeting of the FAERE was jointly organised by EconomiX (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense), Economie Publique (INRA-AgroParisTech) and the FAERE.
Contact: Natacha Raffin (nraffin(at)u-paris10.fr) and Vincent Martinet (vincent.martinet(at)grignon.inra.fr)