French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Hello everyone!
We were pleased to see each other again at the various conferences held during the summer, but especially at our annual conference in Nancy. No more lectures, no more summer, the start of the new academic year has now taken place, thesis defences are announced and it is time to bring new Master’s students to research in environmental economics…
Election of a new honorary member of the FAERE The FAERE General Assembly, meeting in Nancy during the 4th Annual Conference, elected this year a new honorary member: André Grimaud, Professor emeritus at the University of Toulouse 1-Capitole (Ecole d’ Economie de Toulouse). After devoting a first part of his research career to the urban or industrial economy, he turned to the theory of economic growth, focusing in particular on the importance of research and development and taking into account the dematerialization of the economy. Finally, he has devoted a significant part of his research to the economics of the environment and natural resources, including the issues raised by climate change. Since its creation, André Grimaud has accompanied the FAERE whose members have had the pleasure of being its students or co-authors. Young Economist best paper FAERE Award From 2016 onwards, FAERE awards an annual prize for the best article by young economists at the annual conference. The 2017 award winner is Marion Dupoux (University of Gothenburg), for an article entitled “Beyond perfect substitutability in public good games: heterogenous structures of preference“, immediately accepted for publication in our Working Papers series.
Thank you to the organizers and congratulations to the participants of the FAERE conference in Nancy! The LEF and BETA teams, led by Serge Garcia and Philippe Delacote, hosted the 4th FAERE annual conference in Nancy. The participants were about 120 for 82 papers presented and the organisation was as efficient as at previous conferences in Montpellier, Toulouse and Bordeaux. Chris Costello (UC Santa Barbara) and Alexander Pfaff (Duke University) gave brilliant and stimulating plenary lectures. Finally, the weather was good, especially to enjoy the sound and light show on the front of the town hall, Stanislas Square, just before the conference dinner dessert. A challenge for Aix-Marseille next year! Journées thématiques de la FAERE et autres événements The 8th Thematic Workshop, organised by Stefano Bosi and the MSH Paris-Saclay will take place on November 30 and December 1,2017 at the ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan), on the theme “Environment and Health: Economic Outlook”. The deadline for submitting papers is October 28. (call for papers).
Check the website regularly and do not hesitate to send your information to feed it and communicate around the events you organize. FAERE Working Papers and Policy Papers: latest releases Since the last Newsletter, we have registered 12 new documents in the FAERE Working Papers serie and 4 in the FAERE Policy Papers serie. Nearly all of them are published in English. Researchers seeking for a quick dissemination of their research works, before publication in peer-reviewed journals, are invited to submit to these series. being already a FAERE member is not needed. The editorial board was expanded by welcoming new members: Philippe De lacote, Mouez Fodha, Stéphane Luchini, Hélène Ollivier, Jean-Christophe Pereau, Francesco Ricci, Raphaël Soubeyran, Hubert Stahn, Julie Subervie. Thanks to them and the former members for the work done.
Working Papers : 2017.12 2017.13 2017.14 2017.15 2017.16 2017.17 2017.18 2017.19 2017.20 2017.21 2017.22 2017.23
Policy Papers : PP 2017.03 PP 2017.04 PP 2017.05 PP 2017.06 All the best! ________________________ Visit our website on a regular basis (, add it to you browser bookmarks. Circulate also this Newsletter in order to disseminate our information about the activities of the Association and the upcoming conferences in environmental economics.