Publish your paper

To make the works of the French or French speaking environmental economists more visible, the FAERE launches two series of working papers. The Working Papers gather academic works, supposed to be in fine submitted to a scientific journal. The Policy Papers are intended for a larger audience and, in the FAERE field, they often concern environmental public policies’ analysis and evaluation.

You may publish your paper in these FAERE series, and simultaneously publish in other WP series or in academic journals. In the latter case, thanks for informing us when your article is published, so that we can make public this good news. We are aware that some publishers are concerned with their exclusive rights on published paper. Once your article is accepted for publication on an academic journal, we can put a temporary or permanent embargo on access to the pdf file of the working paper following the publisher’s request. In this respect, upon submission, you might want to refer the editor of the journal to the following statement by the editoral board of the FAERE: “The aim of FAERE series of working papers is a complement, not a substitute, to the main academic publishing process. On the one hand, the FAERE helps scholars to improve their work before submitting it to an academic journal, by providing the authors with benevolent comments from competent anonymous reviewers. On the other hand, the FAERE puts forward the quality of the research carried out by members of the community by advertising the excellent academic journals where the articles are finally published.

Any working paper, or policy paper, may be published, provided it belongs to the FAERE field, and is not protected by copyright.
The FAERE membership is not a necessary condition (but the FAERE would appreciate your support).

The Editorial Board provides a benevolent refereeing before publication on this website. An anonymous report, diligent and helpful will be sent to the authors: strengths and weaknesses of the paper, scientific reviews where to submit your paper.

For papers already accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals, the process will be accelerated.

To ensure a better visibility to your works, it would be preferable to publish papers written in English in these series. But authors who prefer to publish in French may also submit.

Please fill the following form and send your paper in pdf format.
In case of any technical issue during the submission, please write to . But, for any request after your submission, please write to .

    Your name (required)

    Your first name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Title of the submitted paper (required)

    Fill in, for all authors, including you (required) in the signature order: Name, First Name, Affiliation, Email, and Short-ID RePEc as 'ppp00' if the author has registered in RePEc (find them for each author with this tool: RePEc Lookup tool)

    Author 1
    Name (required):
    First Name (required):
    Affiliation (required):
    Short-ID RePEc:

    Author 2
    First Name:
    Short-ID RePEc:

    Author 3
    First Name:
    Short-ID RePEc:

    Author 4
    First Name:
    Short-ID RePEc:

    Author 5
    First Name:
    Short-ID RePEc:

    Abstract (required)

    Résumé en français (required)

    JEL Code 1 (required)

    JEL Code 2

    JEL Code 3

    JEL Code 4

    JEL Code 5

    Keyword 1 (required)

    Keyword 2

    Keyword 3

    Keyword 4

    Keyword 5

    In which FAERE Papers Series do you intend to publish your paper?

    Has your paper been already accepted for publication by a peer-reviewed journal? (required)

    NoYes: Title of the journal

    If you answered Yes to the previous question, please upload evidence of acceptance (pdf file) :

    Upload your pdf file:

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