Legal information
This website is the property of FAERE, an association governed by the law of 1901, whose headquarters is located at the following address (administrative address):
4, rue des Arènes 75005 Paris.
The secretariat of the association is located at the following address (correspondence address):
Secretariat FAERE at the CEE-M
Bâtiment 26, Campus SupAgro-INRAE
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier, Cedex 2.
Editors: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline and Julie Subervie
Web animator: Léa Baek (2021 – April 2023), Fanny Mittou (since June 2023)
Our site is powered by WordPress under GPL license.
The whole site is hosted on OVH.
Realization & design
– Logo: Anne-Marie Somphanethabanesouk
– Design: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline and Julie Subervie
– Integration: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline
– Altaea SAS: 23 rue du bouquet 92370 CHAVILLE;
Intellectual property rights
The data published on this site is the property of FAERE and its members. They may be used for personal purposes and may not be redistributed in any form without permission. The trademarks and logos appearing on the “” website are the property of FAERE; they may not be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the trademark (art. L. 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code).
Privacy policy
The site respects the privacy of the Internet user and complies strictly with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedom.
No personal information is collected, except for subscriber use only.
Cookies policy
A cookie is a file stored by the Internet browser. It allows the identification of the user during the connection to the website or portal as well as to establish statistics of visits.
You must accept cookies otherwise you may not be able to use the FAERE portal properly or have difficulties logging in and using the private services of the portal (forum, working group).
If you do not wish to use cookies on our site, you can open a private browser window with the Chrome browser.
Please note that using a private window does not make you anonymous, it just blocks the use of cookies.
We use associated services such as Google Analytics or social networks such as Facebook which may implement their own cookies on our portal.
To learn more about cookies and tracers, we invite you to consult the site of the CNIL: