Economic Modelling of the Oceanic Exposome Futures within the Socio-Planetary Limits
Research objective
The PhD student will construct emission scenarios for different pollutants in the context of the current energy transition and the Paris Agreement Agenda on climate change. This research will consider recent work on planetary and social boundaries (Röckstrom et al., 2009; Steffen et al., 2015; Persson, 2022; Raworth, 2017; Earth for All, 2022). It will be done in collaboration with researchers working on the construction of desired futures at the national level as part of the PREVENT research project. These future trajectories will be based on the socio-economic trajectories (SSPs) used by the IPCC to map future trends in terms of GHGs at the global scale. These scenarios describe five future trajectories in terms of development, GHG emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Our focus will be on the following three SSP trends: SSP1, which maps out the “road to sustainability,” SSP2, known as the “halfway point,” which extends the recent past trend into the future, and SSP5, which proposes a “carbon-based development” path. In addition, the socio-economic scenarios will also refer
to the two scenarios concerning planetary and social boundaries recently proposed as part of the “Earth for All” (2022) work. These are the “Too Little, Too Late” and “Giant Steps” scenarios. The economic modeling will integrate the assumptions made for the scenarios used to map out emissions trajectories.
Nature of the job : PhD grant
Contact person : Bulteau, Julie, , Schembri, Patrick,
Application deadline : 24/11/2024