Postdoctoral Researcher: Economic evaluation of a direct damage function (hurricane)
The person hired will be in charge of carrying out several tasks related to the cost assessment of direct damage from a hurricane event in Reunion Island and Madagascar through a shame. Indeed, the direct costs represent the costs associated mainly with the destruction and loss of economic activities in two study areas. The engineer will be in charge of using data from spatialized satellite images and field data specialized winds. A good mastery of geomatics is therefore expected on this profile. From these data, it will be a matter of working on the assessment of damage through a theoretical function and the construction of an empirical damage function. It will also aim to promote its work in the form of scientific publications and communications.
Job location : La RéunionNature of the job : Post-doc
Contact person : Garabedian, Sabine,
Application deadline : 30/11/2021