The FAERE awards each year, from 2016 on, a Prize of the best article presented at the FAERE Conference, and written by young researchers.
The amount of the Award is set to €1.000 (in case of joint work, the amount is equally shared among co-authors).
Are eligible for the Award all articles submitted and accepted at the Annual Conference of the FAERE, provided the following conditions hold:
i) all authors defended their PhD less than 5 years before the opening date of the Conference;
ii) none of the authors is a member of the Steering committee of the FAERE.
Each year a Jury is proposed by the Bureau of the FAERE, and approved by the Steering committee. The Jury must gather at least five members, and it must include the member of the Steering committee in charge of young researchers, and the member of the Steering committee in charge of scientific questions; however these two persons have no voting right.
The Conference organizers send to the Jury all articles that were submitted and accepted at the Conference. The Jury selects the subset of eligible articles, and designates the laureate; it may also nominate some other papers. The Jury may decide to award no Prize.
Results are announced at the FAERE General Assembly during the FAERE Conference, and are posted on the FAERE website.
The best article presented at the FAERE Conference, written by young researchers, is expected to be submitted by the authors for publication as a working paper of the FAERE.