Post-doctorate position GAEL 1 year (renewable) – Impacts of climate change and air pollution on residential location choices

The post-doctoral position is part of the project ‘Climate change and air pollution in an urbanized area: health and socio-economic impact of mitigation scenarios’ (ClimAir, funded by the ANR – 2022-2026; The aim of ClimAir is to use an interdisciplinary approach to assess scenarios for mitigating GHG emissions and air pollution (up to 2050), as well as scenarios for adapting to climate change, in terms of their impact on air quality, human health and socio-spatial inequalities. Focusing on the Grenoble conurbation, this work will provide recommendations for public policies that are consistent in terms of pollution and GHG emissions. The selected candidate will be fully integrated into the project team, which includes atmospheric physicists, climatologists, epidemiologists, economists and urban planners.

The main task of the post-doctoral position is to study how the impacts of climate change (temperature and heat waves, flooding, clay shrinkage and swelling), adaptive capacity (proximity of cool islands such as parks or watercourses) and exposure to air pollution can affect residential location choices.

More information about the activities of the position, the skills required, the working environment and how to apply is available in the attached file.